Here is my quiver I used one season in the G-Land Surf. I'm 62kg, 5'9. Normally at home in NZ I would use a 5'9 thruster in most conditions. For G-Land I usually ride 2" to 10" bigger depending on the conditions. Bringing 3 boards is a great idea to cover for the different wave sizes and incase you break a board. To the right is a 5'11, 6'4 and 6'7. The 5'11 I would surf in 2-4ft waves (up to a bit overhead), the 6'4 in 4-6ft (overhead to double overhead), and my 6'7 is great for 5-8ft (double overhead+).
I also surfed a couple of longer boards. On some of the really big days I rode a 7'8. If you are not really fit it helps to have a board in the 7 or 8ft range. It's certainly not a bad thing having to much length at G-Land.
The waves in G-Land have more power than most waves, and you will find you'll want the extra length, a little bit extra volume, and a strong glass job is recommended. Epoxy boards are great and are less likely to snap, however all the epoxy brands have been seen to break on occasion here.
The tails start as a round tail on the 5'11 right through to a rounded pin on the 6'7. This allows more hold in the bigger waves. Fin placement this season was tri/quad set-ups that allowed me to play around with quad set-ups too. The quads went really well on my forehand in the down the line waves, alot of speed down the line and allowing fast on rail turns. In saying that, as thrusters they went really well too :)
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